Workday 16th June 2018

After having a big sort out and tidy up of our materials and stores it was back to the paint prepping of the radar. Pete H treated corrosion on four of the six wheels ready for priming. Pete J getting the best job of the day, using GUNK to degrease one of the wheel hubs, before running out of GUNK! Pete J then carried out further corrosion treatment on the radar. Neil continued for yet another week prepping the aerial assembly.

The last activity of the day was to check the simulator. Two weeks ago we broke the software while trying to access the operating system (OSC245) from the Bloodhound application. Basically, at boot the operating system could be entered but the Bloodhound software not run. We had no other option but to reload the software from ¼” tape. Two tapes are used, one for the System Volume and Start Disk the second for files known as Section 1. The first tape was reloaded but the second tape failed to load. Fortunately just loading the first tape restored to software needed to run the Bloodhound software. A piece of good luck as it preserved the engagement sectors, site parameters and a ‘no illuminate’ arc for the T86, settings entered by us on the standard distribution of Bloodhound software.

Whilst repairing the ME159 Monitor Panel a fault we have seen before showed itself again – corroded lead-out wires on crystals and crystal oscillators; in this case a 19.6608MHz oscillator.   This is the panel in question.

Argus Steady State.JPG